Hey paddling people,
Swift Canoe & Kayak has been pretty darn busy this off-season getting ready for 2011. And as you know, we've already spilled the beans about some of the new things we're releasing this year. Well to make things easier for everyone (ourselves included), we also designed a catalog so we could read about the boats online and look at lots of shiny pictures (and occasionally drool on the pages). The 2011 Swift Canoe & Kayak catalog has all the information you could possibly want to know about our boat models, our laminate and construction processes, color and trim options, our store locations and facilities, everything! Check it out HERE.
And since you're already on the computer, you should check out our social media websites. They're full of awesome paddling information:
- Swift has started an online database of cool paddling articles. Read up on the finer points of paddling, learn new techniques, and uncover the secrets to becoming a great paddler!(www.Scribd.com/SwiftCanoe)
- Follow us on Twitter and keep up with all the latest happenings at Swift (www.twitter.com/Swift_Canoe)
- We're developing an online library of cool paddling videos, so check out our Vimeo page and tell us what you think (it's a work in progress). Check it out at http://vimeo.com/swiftcanoe
Happy reading paddling scholars!