Swift Canoe & Kayak is proud to unveil the all-new "Glacier" two-tone kayak color scheme! This new color scheme uses the "Aqua" color as a base coat, then carefully adds accents in "Sky Blue" around the deck line. The result is an awesome paint scheme that's bright, colorful, and very unique. This new design will be available for order and purchase beginning with the Toronto International Boat Show, going on Jan 8th-16th at the Toronto Direct Energy Center. This year we'll be pulling out all the stops for TBS. We've got a new and expanded booth space, a showcase booth for some new product lines we're carrying next year, plus all the latest Swift designs! And there are even more new products coming too, so keep an eye out for Part IV of the "Swift Sneak Preview Series" coming soon.
So without further ado, here's a glimpse at the FIRST all-new Glacier kayak made by the Swift Factory Team in South River, Ontario. It's a Kevlar Fusion Saranac 14.6 with a Champagne hull and a Glacier deck. This boat will be coming with us to the Toronto Boat Show, so if you're heading to the boat show come visit our booth and check it out!

A line-up of boats being organized for the Toronto Boat Show. There are 2 other new color schemes in this pic (that we haven't told you about yet either. See them?)
Paddle me
We've got a lot of new things in development at Swift, so keep checking in on The Paddler blog, our Facebook page, or our Twitter feed for all the latest news. More coming soon...